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Golden Service Award recognizes response group

Golden Service Award recognizes response group

  • Picture of snow on Nebraska Wesleyan trees and arch
  • Picture of snow on Nebraska Wesleyan trees and arch

Members of the Physical Plant and Student Life were recently awarded Nebraska Wesleyan's Golden Service Award at the March staff meeting. 

The Golden Service Award promotes Nebraska Wesleyan's core values by recognizing and rewarding staff and faculty working as a group and demonstrating cross-departmental collaborations, whose efforts and contributions as a group significantly exceed expectations in demonstrating or promoting one or more of those values: excellence, liberal arts, and personal attention to students, diversity, community, and stewardship.

The group assembled on Christmas Eve when it was discovered that a window was left open over the winter break, causing a set of pipes to freeze and burst in a residence hall. The water caused significant damage to the facility. The group quickly gathered over the holiday to begin the cleaning process. Their efforts significantly reduced the amount of water damage incurred by the incident. 

The group included: 

  • Peter Fackler, custodian 
  • Teresa Goodwater, residential education coordinator 
  • Seth Hincker, custodian 
  • Kathy Minicz, custodial services team leader
  • Jim Ruzicka, director of the physical plant
  • Amy Stanek, custodial manager
  • Roxanne Styskal, assistant director of the physical plant 
  • Bruce Thummel, maintenance/boiler operator 

Congratulations to these individuals, and thank you for your service and dedication to our community.