Randall Bretz

Randall Bretz

Adjunct Instructor in Business
Bus Admin/Economics/Accounting
Office location

Burt Hall

Office hours

I'll meet with students as requested.

rbretz [at] NebrWesleyan.edu
Headshot of Randall Bretz

An experienced and innovative leader/administrator with background in telecommunications, higher education administration, sales and marketing, small business administration, distance education, educational consortia, information systems, educational telecommunications, Internet applications, and new project development.


BS and MA in Radio and Television Speech Communication
PhD in Education Administration and Adult Education

Courses taught

Speech Communication
Introduction to Broadcasting
Higher Education

Business Communication

Consumer Experience

Service interests


Professional and community affiliations, certifications and awards

Leadership Lincoln - Communications

Junior Achievement Lincoln, Nebraska
* Board and Board Chair
* Curator
Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission
* Commissioner
National Association of College and University Business Officers
* Presentation
Career College Association
* Presentation and publication
National Rural Electric Association
* Presentation
National Rural Datification Conference
* Presentation
National Distance Education Conference
* Presentation and publication
Agricultural Telecommunications Conferences
* Presentations and publications
Faith Bible Church
* Teacher
National Religious Broadcasters
* Presentations
National University Teleconference Network (NUTN)
* Founding Board of Directors