Residential Education Office

Contact or visit us

Residential Education Office
Centennial First Floor
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln NE 68504
(402) 465-2161 Fax (402) 465-2537
res-ed [at] (res-ed[at]NebrWesleyan[dot]edu)

Residential Education Office

Each residential facility is staffed by professional Residential Education Coordinators (RECs) and peer assistants (PAs). They assist residents in becoming more assertive, civil citizen-leaders in their buildings.

Residential Education Coordinators (RECs)

Residential education coordinators are staff members living in the residence halls to ensure safety and create an atmosphere that supports important life skills and academic success.

Peer Assistants (PAs)

Peer assistants are trained students dedicated to giving their peers personal and academic guidance. PAs organize social and educational programming on their floors and in their buildings. They coordinate social activities and enforce community standards, university policies and state laws.

Peer Assistants are selected through a rigorous application and interview process. The group interview allows staff to observe PA candidates’ group communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills. The process ensures that the student staff remains qualified to be the support system that residential students need and deserve.